One Punch Man Manga Chapter 3

One Punch Man Manga Chapter 3 Colored



One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter


The narration describes the story of Dr. Genuse, a brilliant young scientist with ideas of an artificially evolving humanity, disillusioned with the world, eventually discovers the secret of immortality and creates several clones of himself. Saitama interrupts the narration in his impatience, and the Armored Gorilla then explains that Doctor Genus is interested in Saitama’s constitution (or as he puts it, his body). Saitama gets the wrong idea, believing the scientist to be homosexual, until Genos explains that Genus wants Saitama for his experiments. Cyborg and Saitama decide to attack immediately since the store’s sale day is the next day. Before they leave, Genos asks Armored Gorilla about all the cyborgs active four years ago that destroyed some cities, which Armored Gorilla denies. In preparation for Saitama’s arrival, the House of Evolution sets a trap in its facility and Carnage reluctantly decides to release Kabuto. 

Once there, Genos destroys the above-ground facility with a single blast before heading underground. Unleashed, Carnage Kabuto fights Genos without taking any damage. Carnage Kabuto then confronts Saitama, but retreats when he discovers how powerful Saitama really is. Saitama then reveals to the room his rather mundane daily training regimen of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and a 10km run, much to Genos’ disbelief.Carnage Kabuto unleashes his Carnage Mode and appears to beat Saitama back, but it turns out that Saitama was shocked to find out that the store’s sale day was that day instead of the next, and easily defeats Carnage Kabuto, leaving with Genos soon after to caught. the rest of the discount day. After witnessing this, Dr. Genus abandons his artificial evolution plans and realizes that he is the one who must change. After the credits, officials from the Hero Association inspect the site of the House of Evolution explosion and discuss the destructive power of Genos.


One Punch Man Manga Chapter 3 delivers an action-packed and captivating storyline that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The chapter successfully showcases the stark contrast between Saitama’s invincible strength and the struggles of other heroes. The author masterfully builds anticipation, setting the stage for the climactic battle between Saitama and Carnage Kabuto. The artwork continues to impress, capturing the intensity of the battles and the expressions of the characters flawlessly. The dynamic panel layouts effectively convey the fast-paced nature of the action sequences, heightening the excitement and engagement of readers. The character development in this chapter mainly revolves around Saitama and Genos. Saitama’s longing for a worthy adversary adds depth to his character, highlighting his desire for a fulfilling and challenging fight. Genos, on the other hand, undergoes a significant realization about the true extent of his mentor’s power, leading to further growth and determination. The introduction of Carnage Kabuto adds an element of mystery and danger to the narrative. The readers are left wondering about the origins and motives of the House of Evolution, which sets the stage for future developments and plot twists. Overall, One Punch Man Manga Chapter 3 delivers an enthralling story with exhilarating battles, compelling character development, and stunning artwork. It leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next chapter and the challenges that await Saitama and his allies.

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