One Punch Man Season 2 Episode 3

One Punch Man Season 2 Episode 3

One Punch Man Season 2  Episode 3


In One Punch Man Season 2 Episode 03 (aka, episode 15), “The Hunt Begins”, Garou begins hunting the heroes. It turns out that he was a student of Bang, the hero otherwise known as Silver Fang, and was kicked out of the dojo by Bang for turning to evil. The trouble is, Garou has learned serious martial arts and used it to nearly kill several prominent heroes, even an S-class tank master. Garou even badly defeated Mumen Rider after a C-class hero stood up for him! Can any of the heroes stand up to him? Even more worrying: Can Saitama complete the shopping without being disturbed? After taking a blow that would have knocked down and likely incapacitated another hero, Saitama was only mildly angry. Catch from the Hulu stream.


When Tanktop Master took on Garou (4:48), the hero put on such a good show that I thought, if only for a moment, that he might win. I thought maybe Garou would retreat from the shadows, further develop his skills and come back later. But not. Garou was just playing with Tanktop Master and his entire Tanktop army (and can I say the idea of ​​a tank army makes me smile?). The Garou completely demolished them! Though for the rest of the episode Garou tracks down the heroes and crushes them to powder. Each subsequent fight proves that he is tremendously powerful. So when he and Saitama happen to cross paths outside a shop selling wigs (of all places!), the tension was high (20:43).I didn’t think the two would meet until the end of the season! But here they were, in episode 3, face to face. Assuming that Saitama was a no-name hero looking to make a name for himself, Garou attempted to break Caped Baldy’s shoulder. The force of the blow shattered the pavement beneath his feet, but Saitama looked annoyed. Saitama asked if Garou was trying to rob him and punched him in the side so hard that it knocked him unconscious. He then proceeded to buy a wig. This show is fun because Saitama is Saitama – and he was very Saitama at that point.

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