One Punch Man Manga Chapter 140

Read One Punch Man Chapter 140

One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter


Both King and Tareo run before encountering a physical anomaly, with the space in front of them appearing distorted. Metal Bat also sees an anomaly that prevents him from recognizing King and Tare who are in front of him. Suddenly, Pineapple, Mohican, and Food Battler Futoshi emerge from the presumed anomaly between them, later Food Battler Futoshi reveals that the anomaly functions as a quantum stealth shield that was covering the tank. Waganma comes out of the tank and hugs Tareo upon seeing him, with Tareo also expressing his relief that Waganma is also safe. Waganma then asks Tareo if the Child Emperor saved him, but Tareo refuses, saying that it was the king and “uncle” who saved him. 

Waganma urges the King and Metal Bat to save the Child Emperor, Metal Bat mentally wonders if Waganma has really changed his attitude and he replies that his father will pay the medical bills much to his relief. Both Pineapple and Mochian apologize to Metal Bat for not being able to protect Waganma from the monster that took him earlier. Metal Bat reacts to not waver because their “debts” make a person the strongest. Both Pineapple and Mochian are demotivated due to the power gap between them and the S-class heroes. Sekingar then appears from the tank and tells them both not to be confident about the power gap and orders the two lesser heroes to watch over the two children. Sekingar also tells Metal Bat and King to wait on standby in an area where they can watch the battle. Surprised that the Hero Association has someone like Sekingar, Metal Bat listens to him very much to a delighted Sekingar. 

After hearing what Sekingar had to say, King expresses his disappointment that he couldn’t help him much as he lured the Elder Centipede, who mistakenly believed him to be a strong opponent, but makes sure that Saitama will show up. The king, now taking courage, understood and said he would do what he could. Metal Bat teases before patting King on the back to his relief. Tareo asks King to save “uncle”, but King asks who is the “uncle” Tareo is talking about, if he is a hero. However, Tareo replies that he doesn’t know who “Uncle” really is and just tells King not to bully him if the hero finds him. Metal Bat makes a slingshot out of tire parts and kicks the truck connecting the line to the makeshift slingshot, finishing it off. The two S-class heroes get on the sling and both Tareo and Waganma say good luck to them before Sekingar lasers the rope. The King and Metal Bat are then thrown into the air before crashing outside the launch cage.


One Punch Man Manga Chapter 140 continues to deliver on the series’ core strengths, blending intense action, stunning artwork, and intriguing plot developments. The chapter captivates readers with its fast-paced narrative, leaving no room for boredom. Saitama’s overpowering strength continues to impress, while the introduction of a new adversary injects a fresh sense of excitement and suspense into the storyline. The artwork in this chapter deserves special recognition, as the detailed illustrations and dynamic panel layouts effectively convey the raw energy and impact of each battle scene. From the devastating punches to the intricately designed monsters, the visuals heighten the intensity and immerse readers into the world of One Punch Man. Furthermore, Chapter 140 successfully expands the narrative beyond Saitama, giving other characters like Genos a chance to shine. Genos’ relentless determination and improved combat skills add depth to his character, making him an even more engaging presence within the story.

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