One Punch Man Manga Chapter 166

Read One Punch Man Chapter 166

One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166
One Punch Man Chapter 166


Child Head and Waganma begin dying from the nose some time recently losing awareness. Zombieman and Sekingar rapidly surge to their help, with the previous taking note clumps of hair falling from the youthful hero’s head. Blast stands up to Garou and clarifies that his previous understudy is covering up something fiendish interior and requests that he return it. Garou claims to be acting on his possess free will, but the two are hindered by the sudden appearance of Impact developing from the entrance. Impact skips the merriments and tells Garou that he is controlled by “God”, to the stun of the two; the legend cautions him that any unleashed assault will imperil the lives of each living thing on the planet. When Garou doesn’t respond, Impact appears him the impacts of his actions.

 Almost each saint show has presently misplaced awareness from the enormous radiation it transmits. Impact accepts that Garou still holds his humankind and isn’t totally subjugated by God’s will, and trusts that struggle with him can be sensibly dodged. His trusts are rapidly closed down by the giggling of the Garou, who appreciates his “divine control” slaughtering individuals by being close him. Garou claims to be the inauspicious future of the human race, “Catastrophe Level: God”. Cleared out with no choice, Impact orders Blast to yield; the ancient saint announces that the Garou will got to slaughter him on the off chance that he is to total his fiendish deeds. Manako sees her chance to elude with the heroes presently vanquished, but she too drains out from the radiation and collapses. With his remaining quality, he looks up to see Tareo, alone and unconscious.A voice rapidly requests that Blast and Impact move; Genos shows up and charges at the Garou with the final of the vitality he utilized within the last thrust.

  Garou snatches him and realizes that Saitama must have been unimaginably effective to have an S-class saint as an disciple. Impact responds to the circumstance with the Measurement Cannon and fires a smaller than expected peculiarity at the two, in spite of the fact that Garou oversees to avoid. Impact instantly opens a entrance over the Garou and overwhelms the Genos holding him; Impact rapidly rises from the other side, employments the Gravity Knuckle to hammer Garou into another entrance, liberating Genos from his grasp. Garou finds himself being propelled into entrances in a ceaseless circle and beneath overwhelming assault from Blast’s punches.

 The saint abruptly interfaces the entrances together and traps the Garou in a stash measurement. In any case, in the blink of an eye after they near, Garou develops from his claim entrance, including Blast’s uncommon moves to his arsenal.He assaults Impact with his recently made Atomic Parting: Gravity Knuckle move, driving him to go on the protective and make a few entrances that divert Garou’s assault into the sky to prevent collateral harm. Within the sky, a huge entrance made by Impact swallows the atomic impacts created by the Garou’s assault into the interchange measurement. After a brief encounter, Impact reasons that with so much vitality discharged, the planet will be murdered; he makes moving everybody out his to begin with objective.

 Garou is very awed that Impact lives up to his desires as the most noteworthy positioned S-Class saint, but notes that he isn’t worth his consideration presently. Knowing that Saitama will return and Caped Baldy not locks in him some time recently, Garou accepts that on the off chance that he can duplicate and improve Saitama’s full control, he can vanquish the legend. To drive Saitama to uncover his full control, Garou picks up the powerless Genos and impales the cyborg within the chest, slaughtering him.As a dark fluid apparently from the atomic fallout from Garou’s assaults starts to rain within the sky, Saitama shows up, having returned from Garou’s gamma beam burst, with Impact the as it were one cleared out standing. Saitama is unmistakably stressed that he is as well late to spare his understudy and the other heroes.

 Garou tosses Genos’ went through center at him, which Saitama catches and gazes vacantly, recalling Genos’ past words almost how he’s continuously on time, he negates them by expressing that he’s ordinarily continuously late. Presently rankled and with a dangerous genuine see on his confront, Saitama unleashes a capable Genuine Punch on the saint seeker. Garou promptly duplicates Saitama’s executioner move and counters with a Genuine Punch of his claim. Promptly detecting the monstrous vitality contained in both of their clench hands, Impact is startled and pronounces that the Soil will be crushed by the collision of their blows.


One Punch Man Manga Chapter 166 delivers an exhilarating reading experience that will leave fans on the edge of their seats. Let’s explore the key elements that make this chapter an absolute must-read:

 Unparalleled Action and Intensity: 

From the first page, the chapter plunges readers into a whirlwind of high-octane action. The fight sequences are brilliantly illustrated, capturing the raw power and speed of the combatants. Each blow carries weight and impact, making it impossible to look away.

 Surprising Plot Twists:

Chapter 166 introduces unexpected plot twists that add depth to the narrative. Readers are treated to surprising alliances between unlikely characters, creating new dynamics and enhancing the overall intrigue of the story. These twists keep readers guessing and eager to see what unfolds next.

Character Development: 

The chapter provides significant character development for both heroes and villains alike. We witness the internal struggles and growth of the protagonists, as they push their limits and face their own fears. Additionally, the antagonist’s motivations are explored, shedding light on the intricate layers of their personality.

Impressive Artwork and Visuals:

The artwork in Chapter 166 is nothing short of breathtaking. The illustrations masterfully convey the intensity of the battles and emotions of the characters. The meticulous attention to detail brings the world of One Punch Man to life, immersing readers in every panel.

To See Onepunch Man Seasons Click on these links 

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