One Punch Man Manga Chapter 104

One Punch Man Manga Chapter 104 Colored



One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter


Saitama interrupts the sisters’ conflict and attacks Tatsumaki. The two destroy parts of the Hero Association headquarters as they constantly trade barbs with each other. Tatsumaki’s telekinesis pushes Saitama to another city far from the Hero Association headquarters. When they clash, their fight is hijacked, leading them to take out a rogue gang in N-City, a dragon-level monster in H-City that Metal Bat was sent to kill, as well as Speed-o’-Sound. Sonic who chased after them with the intention of fighting Saitama. Eventually, Tatsumaki was tired to the point of reopening her old wounds, forcing her to end their battle by throwing Saitama into a crack in the ground before resealing it. Back at the Hero’s Association headquarters, Fubuki disbands the Blizzard Group, claiming they are too weak before flying off to face her sister.

Fubuki then meets Tatsumaki in an open field outside of A-City. Tatsumaki discovers Fubuki’s determination to defeat her, but reiterates that she is still very weak. However, before Fubuki can launch his attack, members of the Blizzard Group rush to the scene to help Fubuki fight, intending to repay the favor Fubuki gave them. The group promises to step up and begs Fubuki to stay with them. Tatsumaki then cuts them off and threatens Fubuki that she won’t hold back as she says her final goodbye. Fubuki hesitates, but Tatsumaki attacks. However, he reopens his wounds and falls to his knees.

Saitama appears between Tatsumaki and Fubuki. Fubuki tries to tell everyone to stop because Tatsumaki’s injuries are still fresh and he might die because of it. Saitama then adds that this could be their chance to defeat Tatsumaki while she is weak. However, the Blizzard Group refuses, realizing that defeating Tatsumaki will not make them stronger. Tatsumaki then leaves. Fubuki remembers her original goal of securing Psykos, but Saitama disappears before Fubuki can say anything.As Tatsumaki lands in A-City, Saitama appears behind her. Tatsumaki gets angry at Saitama and calls him bald with no friends. Saitama then asks her why she became a hero when she tries to cut ties with humans.

The flashback is shown 18 years before the series and 15 years before the creation of the Hero Association. A young 10-year-old Tatsumaki is seen in a prison cell where she was placed for not displaying her psychic abilities. He witnesses a man defeat a giant many-eyed monster. It’s called Blast. His appearance bears a strong resemblance to Saitama. In fact, Blast tells Tatsumaki that he is a hero for fun. Blast ends with Tatsumaki saying that she has to be strong because not everyone can save her. This is what motivated Tatsumaki to become a heroine and is also the reason why she wants to be alone and cut ties with people.

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