One Punch Man Manga Chapter 136

Read One Punch Man Chapter 136

One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter
One Punch Man Chapter


Seeing Superalloy Darkshine sitting on the ground with a sad look on his face, the other heroes approached him. Prisoner Puri-Puri and Zombieman are shocked to learn of his loss against Garou. Darkshine then recounts his experience of the Garou to the other heroes, admitting his utter defeat against the Hero Hunter, and also notes that the latter will reappear and no one will be able to stop him.

Meanwhile, Garou, who is deep underground due to being buried by many concrete debris, begins to rise. He wonders why the more he gets beaten, the more he feels like he’s getting stronger and realizes he’s one step closer to becoming the monster he himself so longs for, imagining himself as despair incarnate, he longs for the world to become what he himself wants it to be. He then seems to start transforming into a more monstrous state as a monster.

After learning what happened to Superalloy Darkshine and that he had let himself down so much that he didn’t want to get up. Sweet Mask is enraged to see how pathetic his hero is and kicks him hard several times in an attempt to help him realize what a hero must do even if they fall. In the end, Superalloy Darkshine takes the advice of his heroes and decides to stand up and fight again, much to the relief of the others. Atomic Samurai suggests working together to defeat the boss of the Monster Association, much to everyone’s surprise. Later, the Tanktop Master arrives on the scene, and with his arrival, they continue to discuss their plan.


Chapter 136 of One Punch Man brings readers another thrilling installment filled with intense battles and surprising revelations. The fight between Saitama and Orochi delivers an exhilarating clash of powerhouses, showcasing the vast difference in strength between the two combatants. The artwork vividly captures the raw energy and impact of the fight, leaving readers in awe of the scale of destruction caused by their clashes. What stands out in this chapter is the unexpected development of Saitama’s character. While he has always been portrayed as unbeatable, this chapter reveals that he too has limitations. Saitama’s realization of his own powerlessness against Orochi’s invulnerability adds depth to his character and hints at potential growth in future chapters. 

This newfound vulnerability creates anticipation for how Saitama will continue to evolve and overcome future challenges. The chapter also highlights the teamwork and struggles of other Hero Association members against the Monster Association. Flashy Flash, Atomic Samurai, and Child Emperor face overwhelming odds, emphasizing the tenacity and determination of the heroes in the face of insurmountable danger. The dynamic fight scenes and intricate panel layouts captivate readers, immersing them in the chaotic battles. Overall, Chapter 136 of One Punch Man is a captivating read that balances intense action sequences with intriguing character development. It keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next chapter and the resolution of the climactic battles. With its stunning artwork, well-paced storytelling, and surprising plot twists, this chapter is a must-read for both long-time fans and newcomers to the series.

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