One Punch Man Season 2 Episode 4

Watch One Punch Man Season 2 Episode 4

One Punch Man Season 2  Episode 4


In One Punch Man Season 2 Episode 04 (aka, episode 16), “The Metal Bat”, Garou’s reign of terror continues because a) he can’t remember what happened last night (when Saitama swept him aside and nearly killed him ) and b) no one else saw the meeting. The Hero Association pulls S-class heroes from their jobs to protect the executives since they are the ones generating the income. So Metal Bat is assigned to protect the manager and his son. As the monsters’ attacks on them escalate, Metal Bat must fight harder and harder until the Dragon class monster arrives. Can Metal Bat fight it? Will the Garou interrupt the fight for their own ends? And worst of all, will a former member of Bang’s dojo find out that Saitama is not who he says he is?


Metal Bat is serious about his profession! Catch from the Hulu stream.With Saitama in the cast, it’s sometimes hard to remember that the other heroes have to work at their craft – perfecting it over time. Metal Bat had to struggle to defeat both Centikohai and Centisempai (are they cool names or what?), to the point where he got so caught up in the fight that he forgot to challenge them (17:44). He was himself, but he had no time for such things because a Dragon class monster called Centichoro appeared and it was huge (18:35). Despite the prowess he had just demonstrated, Metal Bat’s first strike didn’t even faze him – but gave him a chance to show off his craftsmanship. It threw him off, but he didn’t give up. He was paying attention. He noticed that when he swung the bat, her head (one out of two) swerved out of the way (19:45). He used his powers of observation and not just his strength to plan his next attack (20:07). The monster hasn’t been completely defeated, but at least this S-Class hero is showing that he’s serious about doing well – and not just attracting the attention of adoring fans! I think Saitama would approve.

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Watch One Punch Man Season 2 Episode 4, Watch One Punch Man Season 1 Episodes , Watch One Punch Man Season 2 Episodes, Watch One Punch Man Season 3 Episodes,Read One Punch Man Manga,One Punch Man, manga, season 2,One Punch Man Season 2, Episode 4, review, Saitama, Garou, battle, animation, action sequences, character development, superhero, villain, strength, power

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